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Since then, she has numerous modeling gigs, while trying to stay up to date with her studies, ballet lessons and her hobbies. There’s a lot on her plate, that’s for sureĪs the years passed by, Momoka is now 18 years old and trying to become an actress while still doing modeling to pay the bills. She was the youngest model ever to feature in London Fashion Week, in 2006 when she was discovered by iconic fashion designer Zandra Rhodes. 9-year-old cover girl from Harven magazine She is now 19 years old and we could not find any new photos of her doing modeling work, she might turned into a different profession. The magazine was really under fire for over-sexualizing a young girl When she was 9 years old, she appeared on the cover of Haven, dressed in a two-piece vintage circus costume, with her hair teased and holding a light globe.

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